Sunday, December 21, 2008

A month already?!?

Ok, technically he's not a month old for 2 more days....but close enough.

Everyone has always told me "Cherish each moment, they grow up so fast". It's not that I didn't believe that was true, it's just that I had no idea HOW fast it goes!! My lil man already looks so much different than he did 4 weeks ago. He's starting to get those chubby baby cheeks and make those cute little noises (not that fart grunts aren't cute). We're very close to our first actual smile. His face lights up now when he sees or hears Dave or I and his mouth opens- he's just not quite sure how to work those smiles yet. And thankfully he's still the sweetest, easiest baby ever!

Here's the next picture in the "Mom, I Really Wish You Wouldn't" series:

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